WCSO to begin utilizing new community information service "Nixle"

Post date: Feb 01, 2011 3:18:25 PM

A message from Sergeant David Archer:

Dear Resident,

The Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office will begin utilizing a new service to access important, valuable community information when you need it, using the latest technology. This will replace our current e-mail alert system and will start on February 8, 2011.

Our agency will create and publish messages through the Nixle Community Information Service. Nixle will then deliver this information to you instantly by cell phone text message and/or email. Notifications can also be accessed online at Nixle’s web site at www.nixle.com.

The Nixle system aligns with the Sheriff’s Office Core Strategies of:

The system also aligns with the agencies Core Values of:

Example messages may include daily crime summaries as well as other relevant safety and community event information.

The service is reliable and free for our agency to use. There is NO spam and no hidden cost; you receive messages as part of their cell phone text messaging plan. YOU decide what information you want and whether you want it sent to your cell phone, email, or just simply over the web.

Please register now at the company’s main web site: www.nixle.com. There you can also access their Frequently Asked Questions.

We also ask you to forward this email to 5 of your neighbors or friends in the community, encouraging them to register.

New communication forms continue to evolve and we believe this service will allow us to keep you informed in the most convenient, reliable way possible.


Sergeant David Archer

Community Engagement

Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office

“Up-to-the-minute updates” from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office by e-mail and cell phone: www.nixle.com”